What is Holiness and Why Does It Matter?

Holiness is a topic not thought much about these days, except in church or religious settings.  When people think of holiness, they tend to think of Jesus, clergy or people like Mother Theresa.  Holiness is often regarded as something for “those” types, not for regular people like us.  This is demonstrated daily in today’s garbage pop culture, and has reduced holiness to almost nothing in much of society.

What is holiness?

So, what is holiness, exactly?  It is the willful choice to set apart one’s life for God and to use one’s talents and abilities for the glory of God.  All Christians are called to a life of holiness.  To choose to be holy, we must first choose God and make a decision to submit to His will and direction in our lives.  This means following his commandments and teachings and not our own opinions on how to live.  It also means living a sacramental life to receive His grace, as we strengthen our relationship with Him.

Holiness is…

  • a decision to live your life for God. 
  • a commitment to learn and follow God’s teachings
  • living freely but for others, in submission to the will of God
  • virtuous, habit-forming and grows over time
  • a source of peace and lasting joy despite the craziness and heartbreak of this world.

Holiness is not…

  • something just reserved for religious people or Jesus freaks
  • a life hack that will suddenly solve all of your problems
  • living in perfection – it is the willful struggle to work though our mistakes and sins as they happen
  • something that usually can happen without lifestyle changes
  • likely to allow you to fit perfectly in today’s society.

As far a holiness goes, the old line of “garbage in, garbage out” truly applies.  We should be mindful about what we take in in terms of news and entertainment.  We need to discern what is harmful in the music we listen to, the movies we watch and how we use social media.  Do these things help us bring glory to God?  It is impossible to be holy while consuming the filth of pornography, vile movies and engaging in disrespectful conduct.  If you think it doesn’t affect you, you are wrong.  Such garbage at the very least desensitizes us and does not lead to holiness.

Why does it matter if we are holy? 

Unholy people are everywhere, and many seem to be just fine.  Appearances can be deceiving, and many people are living with pain and anxiety that they desperately try to hide.  Living apart from God eventually leads to destruction.  Living in holiness is the pathway to God, and the way to everlasting peace and joy in his presence. 

Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. 

Romans 12:2

Michael Paul

Michael Paul is a Roman Catholic husband and father to two teenagers. His background includes 10+ years of teaching catechism and involvement with youth ministry in various roles.

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