What is Prayer? A Simple Definition…

Prayer is communication, or conversation with God.  In order to maintain any relationship with God, we must pray and communicate with him.  This is true for any relationship, friends, spouses, whatever…  How fast do relationships fall apart when communication is lacking, or when people don’t stay in touch with each other for weeks, months or years?

It is important to pray from the heart, and be honest in our communication.  Some people pray specific prayers like the “Our Father”.  This is great, and recommended, but we should always pay careful attention to what it is we are praying.  To recite prayers as habit, with our minds wandering off, doesn’t accomplish much.  This happens to everyone at times, but we need to jump back in and focus on what we are doing.

Praying from the heart without set words or phasing is very important.  We can talk to God about anything, our day, our feelings, hopes, fears… anything.  The Church has classified prayers into several categories:  petition, thanksgiving, & praise.  Some prayers are a combination of these.

It is just as important to listen while praying.  Many times we are too busy and the world around us is too noisy to hear the whispers of God.  This can even be true when praying.  It may seem difficult to “hear” God, or to even know what that means.  The key is to allow quiet time for reflection on God and other important things in your life.  If you try it and keep with it, you will feel God’s presence, and in time “hear” God’s voice.

Prayer is one of the most important ways to know and get closer to the God that created us.  He is the One who knew us before we were even created.  Be sure to make your prayer life a priority!

Michael Paul

Michael Paul is a Roman Catholic husband and father to two teenagers. His background includes 10+ years of teaching catechism and involvement with youth ministry in various roles.

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