Category: Theology

What is God's Plan For You?

God’s Plan For You and Why It Matters

One of the foundational beliefs of Christianity is that God, specifically the Father, has a plan for our lives. God’s plan is individualized for each one of us, and can change as we grow and progress, or even as we mess things up. God has known you since you were “formed in the womb”, and has directed your journey from the start, even in the midst of trouble, sin and...

Spiritual Resolutions for 2020

Spiritual Resolutions for 2020

Well, the New Year is here… Each year at this time many of us create resolutions to mark a fresh start.  Many people resolve to improve themselves physically:  to eat better, go to the gym, lose weight, etc.  Others vow to spend more time helping others, or focusing on themselves more to alleviate stress or improve quality of life. These are all well and good, and are set into motion...

sins of omission

Don’t Let Those Sneaky Sins of Omission Catch Up To You

We tend to think of sinful behaviors as “what we have done wrong” and forget the “what we have failed to do”.  These “sins of omission” are less obvious and are easily overlooked.  They are harder to address because they can continuously simmer in the background, instead of taking place in the form of a one-time action or event. Most of us would consider ourselves “good people”.   We don’t murder,...

enter through the narrow gate

Are You Strong Enough To Enter Through the Narrow Gate?

Someone once asked Jesus if only a few people would be saved.  He was wondering how many people would one day make it to heaven.  Jesus’ answer was startling and direct: Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough Luke 13:24 Wow – that’s harsh!  And probably not the answer he was hoping to hear… It...

Spiritual Division

Staying Focused on Jesus in a Spiritually Divided Culture

Many of us would agree that division in the United States is at record highs these days. It seems as if there is no common ground on so many issues, and that neither side will give an inch toward comprise. Much of this is caused by the media on both the left and right, as individuals and organizations have found a way to capitalize on our division. So much of...

Mary, Mother of God

Honoring Mary – Unwavering Trust Amidst Hardship and Trials

Today is the solemnity of the Assumption of Mary in the Roman Catholic Church.  In the United States it is typically a holy day of obligation, marking the event in which Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven at the end of her earthly life.  While this is a dogma of Catholic faith, the question of whether or not she died first is purposely not included in the dogma,...

#WisdomWednesday Wisdom Wednesday

Wisdom Wednesday: Living a Godly Life

Therefore guard against profitless grumbling, and from calumny withhold your tongues; for a stealthy utterance does not go unpunished, and a lying mouth slays the soul.  Court not death by your erring way of life, nor draw to yourselves destruction by the works of your hands, because God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. For he fashioned all things that they might...

Prayer of Petition Examples & Definition

For many of us, the “prayer of petition” is the most common type of prayer, especially for those who are newer Christians (or not even religious at all!)  It is basically a prayer that asks something from God.  Examples vary from less serious things such as asking for help on a test or good weather, to serious issues such as improved health or safety for a loved one.  This is...

What is Prayer? A Simple Definition…

Prayer is communication, or conversation with God.  In order to maintain any relationship with God, we must pray and communicate with him.  This is true for any relationship, friends, spouses, whatever…  How fast do relationships fall apart when communication is lacking, or when people don’t stay in touch with each other for weeks, months or years? It is important to pray from the heart, and be honest in our communication. ...

The Christian Pursuit of Joy

The Christian Pursuit of Joy

Is it possible to always be a joyous person despite the circumstances in our lives?  What does being joyful mean anyway?  It is the will of the Father that we be joyful people, but many wonder if this is possible in this day and age, with tension and trouble seemingly always on the horizon.  The key to joy lies within our relationship with God.  Specifically, we encounter everlasting joy as...