It’s Up to Us to Reverse These 30 Destructive Societal Trends

Portland riots, 2020

Election Day has come and gone.  To no one’s surprise, the results – or lack thereof- have done nothing to heal the divide in this country.  This year has been a long one and has unfortunately highlighted several disturbing societal trends.  What would have been unheard of only a few years ago seems commonplace today, and complacency and reluctant acceptance has become the norm.  If we hope to move forward as a God-fearing country after the election, we must reverse course on such tendencies and behaviors, including:

  1. The stifling freedom of speech / expression
  2. The pressure of hiding one’s beliefs for fear of negative consequences
  3. Cancel culture
  4. Online extremism
  5. Social media addiction
  6. Celebrity worship
  7. Political commentary posing as unbiased news
  8. Mob rule and hasty conviction in public opinion without proof
  9. Easy access to increasingly perverted pornography
  10. The sexualization of younger and younger children
  11. Condoning of rioting and looting as a valid reaction to news & events
  12. The revising and rewriting history to fit an agenda
  13. Lying despite obvious evidence to the contrary
  14. Intimidation, assault and character assassination of political opponents.
  15. Incitement of racism
  16. Accusing racism as a weapon to suppress opposition
  17. Disrespect and assault on the rule of law and on law enforcement officers
  18. The politicizing pandemics and other crises for control, power or financial gain
  19. Claims that science belongs to only one political party
  20. Claims without proof that something is fake news or has already been debunked.
  21. Attacks on religious expression, especially on Christians, Jews and Muslims.
  22. Acting with selfishness and entitlement
  23. The disregard for the value of life, from conception to the elderly
  24. The disregard for the value of education
  25. The patronization and abandonment of the elderly
  26. Isolation
  27. The disrespecting of others through foul or hateful language / attitude
  28. The disrespecting of God by taking His name in vain, directly and through acronyms
  29. The abuse of political processes, leading to mistrust by half of the population
  30. Selfishness with a lack of empathy.

Let us hope that our elected officials do their best to show leadership in reversing these trends.  We look to elected leaders for guidance, but true guidance comes from God alone.  It is up to us, not politicians, to solve what ails us.   We don’t need to overhaul our traditions and ways of life.  We need to get back to who we are, reverse these societal trends and embrace the values that made us great in the first place.  By turning humbly back to God for guidance, while solemnly discerning our past mistakes, we can learn from them and build the country that God wills it to be.

Michael Paul

Michael Paul is a Roman Catholic husband and father to two teenagers. His background includes 10+ years of teaching catechism and involvement with youth ministry in various roles.

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