Anti-Christian Bias at College? Be Prepared…

Here it is, late-August, and it’s back-to-school time again.  As exciting and anxious as it is for all kids, it is even more so for recent high school graduates heading to college for the first time.  Moving away to college is a big step and an opportunity for personal growth.  Meeting a diverse group of people and seeing the world from new perspectives can be a great thing, and colleges and universities claim to embrace this with a emphasis on inclusion, acceptance and diversity of opinion.  Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

The college campus has become an uncomfortable or even hostile environment for Christians in many instances, even at religiously affiliated institutions.  This is often indirectly felt in the apparent acceptance of behaviors such as binge drinking, promiscuity and anti-social behavior, but can be also seen in outward anti-Christian bias among the faculty, in class or among clubs and activities.  Although the degree of this varies greatly from place to place, this has been growing for decades.  Sheltered Christian teenagers often are not prepared for this, and are not sure how to respond.  The rate of young people leaving their faith is alarmingly high.

If you are heading to college soon, or have a child / grandchild that will be doing so, make sure that you are ready for this.  The best way to prepare for what might be coming is to know your faith.  Take inventory on what you believe and why.  Here are some questions for reflection:

  1. Even though I was raised Christian, do I really have a relationship with Jesus Christ?
  2. How strong is my belief in core Christian doctrine, such as Jesus’ divine nature and Resurrection, the need for salvation and the acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior?
  3. Do I believe in the miracles in the Bible, or do I think they are just stories?

Many times you might hear the same arguments.  Here are some things that you might hear from those that have anti-Christian bias:

  1. Religion, especially Christianity, has done more evil in the world than good.
  2. Christians are hypocrites – they do not practice what they preach.
  3. Religion is a crutch for the weak.  Or the stupid, or both.
  4. Christians are bigots – they will not accept anyone different from themselves and are judgmental.
  5. Organized religion was created to keep people in their place.

These are not new arguments, and all of these statements have been debated extensively.  Perhaps these can be the subject of a further post here…  In any event they are usually thrown about casually by people that have a shallow perception of religion or an ax to grind.  Be prepared; don’t be caught of guard.

It is normal and healthy to experience new people and lifestyles  – this can help you to understand yourself on a whole new level, but just realize that this bias is real and does exist.  Don’t let the bias of others undermine your faith.  Instead, enjoy and grow from the college experience in the way that God intends for you!

Michael Paul

Michael Paul is a Roman Catholic husband and father to two teenagers. His background includes 10+ years of teaching catechism and involvement with youth ministry in various roles.

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