Who Created God? The Answer is Profound…

If God is the creator of everything, then who created God?  This seems like a fair enough question, if we assume that nothing can come to be on its own, that nothing can just become out of nothing.  Christian teaching is clear that no one created God – God was, is and always will be, with no beginning or end.  But this is impossible to fully comprehend – believing that God had no beginning is as strange to us as believing that something can create itself out of thin air.  But we know that things exist.  So, this point alone should tell us that there is much more to the story than what we humans can fully understand.

As a Christian, I believe that God has always existed, and will always exist, even though I cannot understand it fully.  Part of this is based on faith, but not just a blind faith.  There are other aspects about this to consider.

Our human existence and experience is based on linear time:  we are born at Point A and will die at Point B.  Along the way, we all slowly march along in time together… one hour is the same for all, one year is the same and so it goes.  We mark everything in our lives in terms of before and after, past and future.  But God created time itself – He exists outside of it, so we can’t apply the same “before and after” logic to God.

God is love, therefore, before everything else was created, there was love.  But for there to be love, there must be a relationship between two “persons” because love cannot exist alone.  God has revealed that the nature of Himself is Trinity, a perfect union through love of Father and Son.  The love between them is so true, pure and strong that it is its own “person”  -the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the love of the other two.  What does this have to do with the question of who created God?  It shows how love always existed and will exist, and that no one could or needed to create it.

All of creation was then created from love.  God’s love within was so strong that it could not be contained; it had to expand and reach out in the form of creation.  The way that this occurred may still be a mystery, but it originated through God, through love.  Love is never forced, but is a choice.  But even though we were created as human beings out of love, it is our choice, by the nature of love itself, on how we act – in evil ways or with love.  The unfortunate choice of evil and turning from God is at the root of all that is wrong in this world.

Those that do not believe in God are still faced with the next question:  What created the universe?  How could physical matter, as well as emotions, memories, etc., come out of nothing?  Science tries to zero in on it, but just generates more questions…



Michael Paul

Michael Paul is a Roman Catholic husband and father to two teenagers. His background includes 10+ years of teaching catechism and involvement with youth ministry in various roles.

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