The Christian Pursuit of Joy
Is it possible to always be a joyous person despite the circumstances in our lives? What does being joyful mean anyway? It is the will of the Father that we be joyful people, but many wonder if this is possible in this day and age, with tension and trouble seemingly always on the horizon. The key to joy lies within our relationship with God. Specifically, we encounter everlasting joy as we surrender and trust in his will for us. Joy becomes real as we truly understand and appreciate the gift of the cross, that God sacrificed his only Son so that our relationship to him may be restored and forever growing deeper. In this, we realize that through his resurrection, his victory is our victory, and nothing can take this from us. This is how we can be joyful people even in our darkest moments, because we know that the darkness will pass, it is temporary, even if takes us to our dying day to be free of it. We know that there is more on the other side. Through faith, we can encounter this real joy.
Here are some more points to consider about joy, in Q & A format:
Is joy the same as happiness?
They are similar, but joy is more of a longer-term reality. Happiness can be fleeting and can be based on solid or frivolous reasons. Happiness is an emotion that comes and goes, but joy is more than just an emotion, it involves trust, wisdom and a keen sense of reality with God.
What are some steps to increase joy?
The basis of joy comes from our relationship with God, so building this up via scripture and real prayer is a great start. Be purposeful in building this virtue and make it a priority. As your relationship with God strengthens and becomes more mature, your faith and trust will increase. Reflect on the reality of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Truly strive to understand that you are a son / daughter of God, and embrace the unending and pure love that he has for you. From all of this, joy will abound naturally.
What are things that rob us of joy?
Turning from God will result in a loss of joy. Insisting to do things our own way, without the help or acknowledgement of God will bring this about in a hurry. Because in doing so, we expose ourselves to fear and anxiety, since we only have ourselves to guide us through life, and we do not have all of the answers of what lies ahead. Fear and anxiety are the opposite of joy.