Using Gifts of the Spirit for God’s Plans
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the meaning of living in the spirit, and the opposing natures of flesh vs. spirit. I felt that it would be a good time to discuss the gifts that the Holy Spirit provides. These are granted to those who choose to live by the spirit and strive for a relationship with God.
As this relationship grows, we become more attuned to how God works in and around our lives. As we become less self-centered, it becomes easier to see that God has a plan for us, and more apparent as to what this plan entails. Whatever it is that God has in store for us, it is always oriented in serving others, thereby building up God’s kingdom and glorifying Him. To do this, the Holy Spirit provides certain unique gifts to each of us so that we can accomplish our plan and live fully in the way that our creator has prepared.
The church has traditionally identified seven gifts of the Spirit. Several are related but there are nuances worth mentioning. Each person is granted their own unique combination of these gifts, and they vary in degree and intensity from person to person. This is beautifully designed, in that to fully accomplish the kingdom of God, each of us needs to do our part. We complement one another’s’ abilities, such that the whole is much greater than the parts. This is commonly referred to “the Body of Christ” in which we are all invited to participate.
Some denominations have sacraments, notably baptism and in particular confirmation, to seal these gifts in the tradition of Pentecost, when the Apostles were granted their gifts from the Spirit in dramatic fashion. Even if you have not received these sacraments, God’s spirit is still working in you. We should all reflect on what gifts the Holy Spirit has granted us and discern our calling from God, whatever that may look like.
The Seven Gifts of the Sprit
So, what are the Gifts of the Spirit? These have been written about extensively, but there is still confusion regarding them since several seem similar. Also note that the gifts should be acknowledged in the context of a relationship with God. They serve to highlight different aspects of how we relate and interact with Him. So overall, these gifts show us that without God himself reaching out to us through the Holy Spirit, we would be unable to have a relationship with him. We would be unaware of God’s presence entirely.
- Knowledge is being able to know God. This gift allows us to know the truth that God exists and loves us, and to know that the Holy Spirit is active in our lives. From this, this gift allows us to know the Truth of sacred Scripture. From spiritual knowledge we can grow in earthly knowledge and see how they fit together.
- Understanding is like knowledge but is more focused on insights as to who we are and who God is. It allows us to discover higher moral truths, and in turn make better decisions in our lives. It also allows us to forgive more freely since we can better empathize with others.
- Wisdom especially grows with experience. It allows us to judge actions, trends and ideas in accordance with divine law and the will of God. Wisdom allows us to make right decisions in complex situations. It is an outgrowth of knowledge and understanding and allows us to live as children of God.
- Counsel / Right Judgement is a special ability to hear the callings of the Holy Spirit, either directly or through the advice or actions of others. It is thereby the ability to discern the will of the Father in our lives and figure out His plan for us.
- Courage / Fortitude helps us to stand up for what is right in the face of opposition, even to the point of persecution or ridicule. This gift is rooted in the firm knowledge of God’s gift of salvation, and that “if God is with us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31). It gives us confidence to do good when times are hard, especially when others are wavering.
- Piety is a special gift that allows us to honor God. This is shown through worship, prayer, and by respecting God’s holy name. Pious allows us to respect God, and therefore others as well. We are moved by a sense of duty to Him, based solely on an understanding that God is God. Piety also manifests itself through the honoring of saints and a reverence for scripture and tradition.
- Fear of God / Wonder and Awe provides us with the sense of the greatness and infinite nature of God. The fear is not of punishment, but of living a life separate from God. This is based on the understanding of the constant need for God in our lives. This sense of greatness also allows us to recognize God in all things and people around us. This can be a recognition of God’s presence in other people, or in the physical world. For example, we might appreciate the beauty of a sunset, or the intricacies of an insect or a balanced ecosystem.
Take some time to figure out which gifts the Holy Spirit has especially granted to you. How can you use these gifts for the glory of God in your life around you?