Time is Fading Away, Don’t Be Caught Off Guard

Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth.

Luke 21:34-35

No matter who we are, we cannot stop the hands of time – there will come a day when our health and strength fails us, and we will pass from this life. While there is something to be said for living in the moment and not obsessing with our own demise, we should also take time to make sure we are ready. Don’t be caught off guard! The time is now to start living as the best versions of ourselves. For that day could be 50 years from now, or it could be tomorrow. We need to keep our spiritual houses in order. How is your relationship with God? Are you pursuing meaningful activities and using your time wisely? As the church year ends, we should all pause to reflect, and aim to get ourselves back on track as need be….

Michael Paul

Michael Paul is a Roman Catholic husband and father to two teenagers. His background includes 10+ years of teaching catechism and involvement with youth ministry in various roles.

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