You are Anxious About Many Things
You are Anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing.
Luke 10:41-42
One of the great things about being Christian is the promise of peace and security that comes with following Jesus Christ. This peace is something that we as Christians seek to attain as our relationship with God grows and becomes more mature. Anxiety and fear are at epidemic levels these days, for Christians and non-Christians alike. However, the promise of God’s daily walk with us through thick and thin is something that can help us break out of the confinement of such feelings. As Christians, none of us are perfect in how we know and trust God. It is something that must be worked on and refined for our entire lives. For now, we will never reach perfection, but it is something to strive for.
Jesus addresses fear many times in Scripture. The phrase “Do not be afraid” is one of the most reoccurring themes in the entire Bible. On one occasion, He points to the animals and birds of the wild to show how they have no anxiety, but God provides for their needs. And we are worth more to God than these.
Jesus is of course speaking of Himself when he taught that “there is need of only one thing”. Having a full relationship with God focuses us on what is most important, and many of our frivolous worries melt away.
However, as we go through life, we all will eventually be faced with serious problems, some of us more than others. A relationship with God does not shield us from these problems, or keep us from pain, but it does allow us to face it head on with the knowledge that God has our back and will be with us through it all. We are comforted in that God has a plan for us. Our trust and submission to Him alleviates fear and anxiety. For we know that God can handle anything and that we are never on our own.
As a teenager and young adult, I found it frustrating that there was always something out of whack in my life. I would think, “If only it weren’t for this, or if that wasn’t happening, things would be great!” Often the “this or that” would be related to sickness of a relative, or a strained relationship, or just some other problem of the day. I didn’t realize that there would always be something to have to deal with, that this was the norm and not the exception. As time went on it became clear that problems would come and go, and that peace and joy were possible despite it all. It also became clear that it was God that was holding me up through the bad times and keeping life steady despite the ups and downs. With wisdom as time passed, I could then look to the future with confidence that God would always be there as he always had been. Such is the root of peace and joy.
These days the world is facing unprecedented times in many ways. COVID continues to wreak havoc and society is being transformed before our eyes at an alarming pace. It is no wonder everyone is anxious and fearful. So now more than ever, we need to respond to God’s call to know him and cling to Him. He is truly the vine that we need to sustain us!