Why does it seems that Satan is the good one in the Bible and God is the evil one?
It is hard to say from your question without specific examples. Often in the bible, readers focus on single particulars without proper context or consideration of literary style, which varies greatly throughout. There are common themes and threads across all the books that are often missed.
So, I would infer that the opposite is true, and the God is good and Satan is evil. Using some of what was mentioned in other answers but with a different perspective, here are some examples:
God never gave up on his human creation which he loved, even when they caused the entire universe to fall into a fallen state.
God rewarded Job for his faith, which was tested and nearly destroyed by Satan.
God invites those who wish to know him, or at least yearn for truth, to be with him forever. He also respects the dignity and free will of mankind to allow those who do not chose him, to live without him as they wish (a state / place called hell).
God so loved the world that he gave his only son in sacrifice to atone for sins.
On the other hand,
Satan tricked Eve into disobeying God by twisting the truth about why God insisted to avoid the tree of knowledge. He then still cared enough for them to remove them from the tree of life, so that they would not have to be stuck in a fallen state for all eternity.
Satan and other angels chose through their own free will to reject God, in the face of his full glory. Because they had full knowledge of their choice, there would be nothing that could change their mind moving forward.
Satan tried to cause Jesus to sin in order that God’s plan for redemption would fail. This was done out of spite, jealousy and utter hatred for humankind.
Satan and other demonic influences continue to disrupt God’s plans in this age. Maybe his greatest accomplishment in modern times is that most people don’t believe that he exists, but in turn blame God for the evil around us.